Friday, May 31, 2019

Chapter 31

If given the chance, would you change your fate?  While I’ve recently pondered this question, you may be surprised by my answer.  I would not change my past.  It was horrifying, but it has made me who I am.  I would not change my present.  It is fantastic.  I’ve recently told my husband if I was guaranteed the life I have now, but had to live my childhood again, I would.  He thought I was crazy and told me so quite abruptly.  I’m not saying I’m happy for my childhood and it certainly isn’t the life I would have chosen, but I’m happy with where it brought me.  Well, everyone, that’s all for now.  I’ve actually started working on my book!  Now, I just need a title ~ ideas are welcome!  I also need a literary agent and publisher, but first things first!  I want to thank all of you in my life for reading and the immense support you have all given me.  It has meant the world to me.  Thank you again and stay tuned…..


  1. I was worried you had stopped writing. Glad to hear you are working on your book. Looking forward to it. Best of luck!

  2. An amazing and beautifully written story. I cannot wait to read your book, Debora. Thank you for sharing your story with us.
