Monday, June 24, 2019

Chapter 7

I will never forget the first day of the rest of my life.  It was March of 1984.  “The Wizard of Oz” was going to be on television that night as it was every year in March.  However, I would not see it this year.  Sometime during the morning, I was called down to the Principal’s office at school.  I went tentatively as one often goes to the Principal’s office.  I was met by the Principal, Missy’s mom and a social worker.  Missy’s mom had called the school that morning to report my story and the school acted quickly.  I was ushered into a large conference room where we sat around a large table.  I had to tell my story again.  I had to tell every detail.  I was mortified.  I feared they wouldn’t believe me.  I feared what would happen if they did believe me.  The social worker asked me very specific questions.  I gave very graphic answers.  I was told I was going to be taken to a foster home and may need to stay there for a while.  The social worker drove me to my house along with a police escort.  When we arrived, I would not go up to the house.  I begged the social worker to let me stay in the car.  She finally agreed which I can’t believe to this day.  I could have run, but where?  I was paralyzed by the picture that was unfolding.  The social worker and policeman knocked on the door and it was answered by my mother.  I have no idea what they said to her, but she disappeared into the house and returned a few minutes later with a bag for me.  The memory of those few moments haunts me to this day.  What must my mother have felt to have her daughter taken from her?  Did they tell her why they were taking me away?  Did they give her an explanation?  I certainly didn’t care back then, but it shakes me to think of it now.  The social worker then drove me to my first foster family.

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