Sunday, June 30, 2019

Chapter 1

Today I was told to write.  I was told it was my destiny.  This may be my most self-absorbed moment.  I was told I have a story to share.  I’ve thought this for most of my adult life, but again, would never presume I was important enough to write about myself.  Or more importantly, that anyone would care to read about me.  I am not famous.  I am not rich.  I do own several pairs of Manolo’s, so I guess I have reached a modicum of success, at least in the world of us girls.  A book seemed a bit ambitious, being my first day as a writer and all.  So I’m starting here, the same place that discovered Justin Bieber.  My story is a bit different from his, but just like “the Beebs”, I came here to help people.  My story is one of survival.  Not from cancer or some flesh-eating virus.  No.  I survived childhood.  I survived a childhood with a mentally ill mother and an extremely abusive stepfather.  But then again, who didn’t?  I not only survived, but also found the strength and the means to thrive.  I decided today to share my story with you.  Maybe it will help you.  Or someone you know.  Maybe it won’t help at all, but make you feel better about your own life.  Kind of how I feel when I watch the “Real Housewives”!  See you soon…


  1. I want to read more...please continue!

  2. Great start! Keep it going :) -Aviva

  3. I hope you won't mind that I stumbled upon your blog. You write so beautifully. I hope you do write a book. Margaret
